Falling in Love
Mohan Gifting StudioShare
FALLING IN LOVE It is a weird expression. Isn't it? Falling in love? That’s because love itself is weird. Love is so many things to so many people. All at the very same time. There is no textbook definition of love. There are no hard and fast rules. There are so many versions of love. From the bond made in heaven version to nothing but a rush of oxytocin and dopamine version. As humans, we are quite intrigued by such experiences. Even though we have a lot of rational scientific explanations for such phenomena, the mere fact that our lives would be dependent on another person so much so that it would be hard to get by a single day without them is still baffling to most of us out here. Love is a blend of emotions. It consists not only of the laughs shared but also the tears shed. It’s a perfect mixture of melancholy and Joy. So why wouldn't one want this? There are a couple of reasons why one refrains from falling in love. As much as one wants to fall in love, he is also afraid about the same. This fear is a result of the constant what if imaginary scenarios that’s been playing in his/her head ever since he/she thought about the same. While falling in love might be as blissful as it sounds for someone, it can also be as fearful for someone else. Not all love stories end up with a happily ever after fairytale. Some are left unsaid. Some, unspoke. And even a few, unfelt. While falling in love might be scary, the regret of not having made an attempt in the first place is even scarier. There are various forms of love. Unrequited, unheard, passionate, ardent, warm etc. Yet love is love. Falling in love is one thing, staying in love is another. While most of the love is left unheard, there are very few that make it to the next phase. So this brings us to the next question. How should an ideal relationship be? Many have been obsessed with this question for so long only to realise later that no relationship is ideal. Never was. Never will be. Flaws are an undeniable part of every relationship. Every relationship has a certain give and take and is perfect in its own ways. However, for a healthy relationship, effective communication is the key. Falling in love has always been an enigma to us. While we are no stranger to the idea of falling in love, it is the things that follow which perplexes us. Falling in love is no easy task. And when you do, you do not want to take the other person for granted. Want to make them feel special? What better way to express your love for them than sending them a personalised gift? From a personalised magic mirror to light up your memories to a personalised cute couple photo frame, you can choose from a wide array of gifts that have been crafted to make your loved one feel unique and special. Oh, the things we do for Love :D